Max Schwarz

I'm a PhD student with the Autonomous Intelligent Systems Group at University of Bonn. My research interests include robotic systems of all kinds and deep learning for robotic perception.

I received my Bachelor of Science in CS 2014 and my Master of Science in CS 2017, both at University of Bonn.


Robotic competitions are awesome. Here are some I participated in:

2017: NimbRo Picking @ Amazon Robotics Challenge 2017 (team lead)
2nd place
2017: Mohamed Bin Zayed Internation Robotics Challenge, MBZIRC (UGV team lead)
UGV challenge: 1st place, finals: 1st place
2016: NimbRo Picking @ Amazon Picking Challenge 2016 (team lead)
2nd and 3rd place
2015: NimbRo Explorer @ DLR SpaceBot Camp (team lead)
completed all tasks (no ranking)
2015: NimbRo Rescue @ DARPA Robotics Challenge (team lead)
4th place
2014: NimbRo@Home @ Robocup @Home (team lead)
3rd place


Some open-source projects I maintain or contribute to: For more, see my GitHub profile.
